Hi everyone! I'm Katie Marie, and am so excited to be starting my first blog.
I've been an avid reader ever since I was a kid, and was the one who'd consume library stacks in a matter of days. I'll read almost anything, as long as it's not horror or inappropriate. My favorite genre is fantasy. My favorite authors are Melanie Dickerson, Jackie Castle, Roseanna M. White, and Melanie Cellier. One of my favorite series is The White Road Chronicles by Jackie Castle. That being said, I love and read historical fiction, YA contemporary, Christian fiction, action and adventure, dystopian, sci-fi, and more!
When not reading or writing, I can be found hanging with friends, (especially Effie J. Stock, love you girl!) playing with my four cats, playing Minecraft, and embroidering. Though, most of the time I will be reading.
I was homeschooled my whole life, and actually graduated a year early! My parents felt it best to homeschool me and my siblings so that we'd have a good education and go at whatever speed we needed, along with being in a Godly environment.
On this blog, I will be posting writing tips and advice, book reviews and recommendations, my writing progress, and personal updates.
I hope you stick around and follow me on this journey! If you have any requests on blog topics or writing tips you'd like me to cover, please leave me a message or comment below! I'd love to hear from you.
–– Katie Marie
Yay! I'm so excited about your books and your writing journey! Love hanging out with you too girl! <3