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The Girl Behind the Fan


Updated: May 7, 2021

I found this story prompt picture below on Instagram, and when I saw it, it was like the story spoke to me, whispering its secrets.

I have never had that happen before, and was just flooded with ideas for this short tragic regency romance story! I wrote it in one day and wanted to share it with you guys. I hope you like it! I also made a Pinterest aesthetic board for it here, if you want to check it out!

Without further ado, here's:

The Girl


the Fan

That was the first time Benjamin ever saw her.

Her brown eyes glimmered behind the lacy fan held demurely in front of her face. A becoming blush rode her high cheekbones, her skin fair and flawless. Dark, alluring eyebrows contrasted her light skin. Brown wisps of hair framed her round face, the rest put up in an elegant bun.

A white, square-cut dress draped over her pretty form, baring her smooth shoulders. Ruffles lined the fringes of the whimsy dress.

An emerald ring rested on the index finger of the hand that held the fan, her fingers curling softly around the edges. A small smile lifted her lips.

Couples attired in suits and beautiful gowns danced across the middle of the ballroom to a jaunty tune, conversations flowing through the high-domed ceiling, candles and chandeliers lighting up the room, but Benjamin didn’t pay attention to any of it. All of his focus was fixated on the swirling gold flakes in the brown eyes that had caught his gaze eight feet away.

Swallowing hard, he shook out his hands and strode over to her, their gaze never breaking. When he reached her Benjamin stared down into her kind, open face.

“My lady.” He bowed at the waist, his blond hair flopping into his eyes, one arm behind his back. “Would you care to dance?” Straightening, Benjamin smiled and offered her his arm.

The girl curtsied, lowering and closing the fan, and took his offered arm. “I would, I thank you.” Her soft voice wrapped around Benjamin, muddling his senses. And the smile she gave sent a strange feeling––like warm honey mixed with spice––down his middle.

Who is this enchanting girl?

A waltz was just beginning, the violin strings melodic and beautiful.

He led her onto the tile dance floor and faced her, never wanting to look away. With one hand on her slim waist and the other holding her gloved hand, he led her into the waltz, stepping lightly and twirling around the room to the music. Many couples joined them, swirling dresses and bodies melding into one harmonious dance.

But they only had eyes for each other.

Benjamin and the girl talked and danced long into the night, neither caring that it wasn’t proper to dance that long with one partner. Teasing and laughter punctuated their conversation often as they talked about their likes and dislikes, childhood, plans for the future, and anything and everything between. It was like they had always known each other, yet at the same time couldn’t get enough of the other. The barrier of formalities, titles, and even names disappeared into the festive night.

After another dance, Benjamin guided her with a hand at the small of her back past tables of all kinds of foods and delicacies several people were currently indulging in to a secluded balcony, both of them laughing at something he’d said.

She rested her arms against the stone railing, head tilted up, and looked out at the night. Benjamin joined her, shoulders touching, and sighed, contentment swimming inside of him.

The buzz of laughter and excited chatter floated on the fresh air.

They gazed at the millions of twinkling stars against the black sky, trees bordering the estate, neither of them saying anything for several minutes.

Benjamin glanced sideways at her. The moonlight illuminated her white gown, her face seeming to glow. A few wisps of hair had fallen out of her bun after all of the dancing, the slightly disheveled look only making her more lovely.

The girl caught him staring and ducked her head, her face reddening in that adorable way of hers. “What’re you thinking, my lord?”

Benjamin turned to face her, his side pressing into the railing. “That I’m looking at the most beautiful angel to have ever graced this planet.”

She breathed out a laugh and flicked open her fan, cooling her embarrassed face with rapid movements. “You flatter me.” She stared straight ahead.

Lifting a hand, Benjamin brushed back a wayward tendril, letting his fingers linger on her soft skin. “Is it flattery if it’s the truth?”

She inhaled softly, turning her head to look at him, her brown eyes full of surprise and something else, something that made his gut clench. “My lord…”

“You enchant me, my lady, not merely by your beauty, but by your kindness, your genuineness, your cleverness, and love of laughter. I’ve learned more about what makes someone truly good in these past few hours talking with you than I ever have in my entire life.”

She shifted her body in his direction. “Yes, seeing as your life has been so very long.” A teasing glint lit her eyes.

Benjamin rolled his eyes and chuckled.

Her eyes roved over his features, appreciation in her expression. “I––I’ve enjoyed this night immensely, my lord.”

They slowly leaned closer, both of them taking in the other, searching, asking, giving. Their lips brushed, and Benjamin claimed her mouth with his, their hearts intertwining, the stars and moon their only audience.

Breathless, Benjamin pulled back a minute later and rested his forehead against hers. She held onto his shoulders while he gripped her elbows.

“What’s happening to us?” She breathed the words, her voice trembling with wonder.

“I don’t know what this is,” Benjamin whispered, his voice low and husky. “or how it can be, but I’ve never been more certain of anything than this. I’m falling in lo––”

“Hey!” The shout interrupted his words right before a strong hand fisted around Benjamin’s shirt and yanked him back.

He stumbled.

Before he could right himself, a man punched him in the gut. “What’re you doing, accosting my betrothed?”

Benjamin doubled-over and groaned, all of the air knocked out of him.

A feminine cry sounded before the girl rushed forward. She grabbed the man’s arm. “Lord Cecil, stop it! He wasn’t hurting me!”

Lord Cecil tried to shake her off, but she only clung tighter. “Stop, please!” Tears choked her voice.

Benjamin’s twisting stomach sunk. He straightened, betrayal stinging his eyes. “What does he mean ‘betrothed?’”

She turned her distressed gaze to Benjamin. “Please, you must understand. I-it’s an arranged marriage, I don’t actually love him––”

“Shut it, girl. We’re leaving.” Lord Cecil snatched up her arm, glared once more at Benjamin, and swiveled on his heel, dragging her with him.

“Wait!” Benjamin staggered a few feet forward, his arm outstretched, his heart hurting so bad he thought it’d explode.

She looked at him over her shoulder, tears streaming down her pale, anguished face. “I’m sorry! So, so terribly sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I won’t forget you!”

The pair strode inside the ballroom, her white dress billowing behind her.

“I don’t even know your name!” Benjamin called out, silently begging her to pull away and return to him, but she was already out of earshot, the crowd swallowing her up.

He never got to finish his sentence, never got to tell her that he was falling in love with the girl behind the fan, for that was the last time Benjamin ever saw her.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.

–– Katie Marie


Effie Joe Stock
Effie Joe Stock
May 10, 2021

Yay! You posted it! I love this so much <3

May 10, 2021
Replying to

Aw thank you!!


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